We are overjoyed at how great his is doing and how wonderful he looks. What a trooper! We will be praying in the hours and days ahead not only for his health, but yours as well. (This is no time for colds, just ask Allen :-) ).
What a beautiful son you have! I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that he already seems to be a happier baby. We can't wait to officially meet him and give you guys some great big hugs! much love!!!!!
Hello! Ohh, William is sooo beautiful!! This is Anna writing on the behalf of my whole family. We have been thinking about him all the time, and are praying everyday! WE LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!!! :)
Oh he is so sweet! I love that last video with him going to town on his little soothie. I can't wait to hold you someday, William! :)
Meredith (again :)
Wow, the ladies just flock to him already, don't they? Six of them hovering... you watch out, I can tell he's a charmer.
Give my nephew kisses from me and Matt... and some hugs to his parents, too.
Lots of love to all.
We are overjoyed at how great his is doing and how wonderful he looks. What a trooper! We will be praying in the hours and days ahead not only for his health, but yours as well. (This is no time for colds, just ask Allen :-) ).
I am taking the afternoon plane - I'll be there to give you hugs and kisses soon.
Love, Gram (that's Nathan's Mom)
What a beautiful son you have! I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that he already seems to be a happier baby. We can't wait to officially meet him and give you guys some great big hugs! much love!!!!!
Hello! Ohh, William is sooo beautiful!! This is Anna writing on the behalf of my whole family. We have been thinking about him all the time, and are praying everyday! WE LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!!!
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